Wednesday, December 26, 2012

the seed is planted in the now


I am slowly getting the feel for these new energies and I am happy to report it is good indeed. Definitely not what I was expecting yet very good. The blog below describes it in detail that I find amazingly accurate. I wake up each morning with clear insight yet for me the water is still choppy. I had a very luscious and peaceful Christmas. It was filled with love and support and zero drama!!!!! I was able to heal a charge I have had all my life, associating present with love. This had caused me so much pain and made me a dictator ordering others to get me gifts to prove their love. I decided to end it at my birthday in May and it worked. After years of focus and intention, that charge is gone!!! See me dancing across the room with glee. 

Yet when evening came I was in tears of sadness and nostalgia. I cried when my daughter left to go to her dad's. I cried when I opened my last gift which was so heartfelt and ideal for me. I cried at my mother in laws request I sing auld lang syne with her. I didn't know exactly what the tears were about, I just knew they were perfect and allowed them to bless me with their healing energy. whatever is happening now, I notice I need to take it s l o w so that I can stay present to what is in the moment, rather than spin out into the future where I use to experience being overstimulated.

I want to share three example of how I have experienced the healing energies carried in on 12/21/12. My experience is that the new reality allows us to be at choice, to choose love and peace in a way not previously available. The first occurred when I could not find my gift to take to the white elephant gift exchange Christmas eve. I got a little crazy and began to spin when I could not locate it. I kept looking in that spin energy until I recognized how I was creating overwehlm. I went outside and sat in silence and immediately centered and felt calm. I stayed 10 minutes to be sure and then I knew I would find the gift immediately. I had not clue where to look yet had the strong intuition to fix a small broken piece of wood that is part of my spirit house. AS I reached for the glue in the cupboard, I saw the gift and smiled. I said thank you out loud as I knew my guides where giving me a clear demonstration of the new energy. When I looked with the frantic energy, I was assured of never finding, As soon as I centered, it was a slam dunk.

The next example was when I started to the party feeling overwhelmed. I was missing a key ingredient of my recipe for the potluck and that started me spinning into overwhelm again. I had to pick my daughter up soon so I had no time to recenter. As I drove I set my intent to calm down and enjoy the party. I knew I needed somewhere to chill before going to the party. I got to town and a coffee shop was open late!!! We went in and sat for a half an hour until I had re-centered and then went to the party which I enjoyed thoroughly. To shift out of such overstimulation and stay out of it in a group of people was something beyond me even a few weeks ago. Another mini miracle courtesy of 12/21. 

The  final example was at Christmas dinner. I gave my daughter a few warnings dinner was almost ready. I called her for dinner and she did not show up until we had finished eating. I started to make up a story about why she did not come and it was not a happy story. It turns out she had forgotten our Christmas cards and was down in her room writing and decorating them so we could enjoy them with our meal. Her gesture was so loving so lucky I stayed out of story and in the now, waiting to see what was. So the stackers 
missed their last shot at stirring up Christmas drama. 

I hope this gives the flavor of the choice point that now exists for us if we stay alert and aware. The choice for love has never been clearer. My friend Uschi gave me a little story about seeds and fruits that helped clarity it too. What I am realizing is I wanted 12/21 to deliver the whole d*mn tree of awakening and love. Instead we were given the seed which we must continue to plant and nurture. Yes, I know the process is longer than any of us imagined. Yet I can feel the fruits are going to also be beyond anything I previously imagined. So let's enjoy the ride!!!

I am passing on this post from my friend Carmen in it's entirety so it can be translated as it is so tender and from my perspective, totally accurate. She said it is from her Oracle sister, Jennifer Posada....

At the Threshold of a New World

by Jennifer on December 23, 2012

We’ve never been here before. This exact, fresh moment in time. But we’ve been somewhere very similar. It was a really, really long time ago. We were on our way, our whole world, into a huge dark cloud. We were on our way into what I call in my book, The Oracle Within, “The Great Forgetting.” Back then the forgetting had already been underway, but at the moment like this one we hit a massive wave of it. Just like this time, only now we are headed the other way…into what I call “The Great Remembering.”

I know on the Solstice, the date of the great Mayan shift, some of you were disappointed. Some of you didn’t feel any great new energy descend into your lives or the world. Some of you were just plain tired that day (I heard that from a lot of people) or found it anti-climactic. I am writing this post today because I have some information that I think will really help as we go through this change. After all, I remember the last one, and all the incredible points of shift in between. I’ve seen cities fall…worlds disappear. The crucial point I need to make about this time is that all of those things are indeed happening again this time…they are just happening within.

The cities that are falling are the ones you built up around your heart to survive the forgetting. Even though, for the most part, these crumblings will occur within, it doesn’t mean they don’t sometimes come along with the same potential feelings of trauma and grief. And it certainly doesn’t mean that we don’t need the same level of support and self-care. We need it now more than ever. We are about to bloom like wildfire-roses…we are about to shock the world with our color and our fury…we are about to break open like a million oceans and find out how to finally speak of what’s beneath. But we are being born into new space so profoundly it’s as if we have to find a new way to breathe…a new way to be, while all around us things look the same. It’s just that day by day, we’ll notice that it may look the same but it doesn’t feel the same anymore. This was never going to be an overnight change, but if you get to where the air is clear, you will catch it like a fragrance. Like the smell of the first flowers in the springtime, you will suddenly find yourself stunned by it one day when you were just walking through the cold winter air to your car. And you will know it then. You will know the change is really underway. It’s one of those things you can only feel now if you venture out on a really quiet night…out in the silent darkness, and get down on the ground and put your ear to the tracks. Far away you will feel the softest rumble…like the roar of a distant ocean…the train is coming….

And don’t worry. You can’t miss it. In fact, you’re here now…that means you already didn’t.

After all we all made this great big date together a long time ago. All we had to do was show up…and we already did.

So, while we wait for the rest of the shift to take place naturally, and take absolutely intensive-level good care of ourselves, acting with great love and gentleness toward ourselves as we go through the inner shifts, there are a few things that may help us along. As I felt this portal we’ve just passed through it reminded me so much of that ancient time when we passed through it the other way as I mentioned before, into The Great Forgetting. It was like one was almost a mirror image of the other. That’s because each way it was the same kind of shift, just in another direction. (It will take a long time for us to completely understand why the forgetting needed to happen, and for it to more completely end.) It is like passing through the other side of an eclipse, or coming back through the looking glass. These intense shift points have signatures, and these two points just happen to be sisters…twins. That means a lot of the things that happened then are likely to be mimicked now…we will relive them in order to resolve them, like we do with all unresolved past life material. We just happen to be doing it with that very specific shift material right now.

Let me give you some examples. Back then, the temples fell. They fell inside first. Inside each person and inside the infrastructure of the people involved…the sisterhood and brotherhood. As people forgot, they began to turn to false power to fill the void left where they once knew they were love. It was the great heartache of the worlds when people forgot they were love. So you may find that certain relationships are shifting now, that you are having new insights into them, or finding out where there are people in your life that are not who they seemed to be, or who are gracefully or not so gracefully bowing out of the picture. Old group structures, teachers, sisterhood/brotherhoods, may fall away and though you may find yourself flailing around about it for a while, whatever you are truly led to shed now will open up new energy and leave new room for more of your authentic self to flourish and be freed up.

Also, like before, it is good to be aware that this is a time when the veils are thin, and when psychic permeability is at a peak. That means it is easier than ever to go someplace or have an interaction and pick up on the energies around you without realizing that it isn’t your own. The simplest cure for this is time on your own doing something you love. It will clear up for you what is your own energy and what isn’t. You need time to reflect, and time to nurture yourself. This psychic permeability can also make us feel sort of “haunted” by old ghosts. They are simply “guardians at the gate”…they are there because you are stepping into more of your power and those energies are coming up to be cleared. When they come up we are being challenged to look them in the eye, tell them there is no place for them in our energy field anymore, and walk on across our new threshold of risk and true empowerment beyond them. We always encounter these guardians at the gate when we are about to take a bold step into more of who we really are. They come up so we can say goodbye and truly take our place at the banquet table of our lives for the abundant feast we have newly realized is available to us. It is time to say yes to ourselves, yes to who we are, and everything else be damned. We have tried it every other way…trying to please or suppress others, trying to get answers and approval outside, and it has only led us to destruction and a world mostly full of lost souls. The only real answers are within. The only way we can ever really offer others our gifts is to give them to ourselves first. We need radical change now, not just empty words to sustain false securities. It’s a new world and it will be built on our true, raw desires and our willingness to take a chance on them. Oh yeah…I said it. I think I’m even gonna say it again…just in case you didn’t really hear it…

It’s a new world and it will be built on our true, raw desires and our willingness to take a chance on them.

Yeah…I know you are probably tired, and maybe scared, and you’ve already been taken apart and put back together so many times that you no longer have an envelope left to push. You may not know what to believe anymore. That’s fine. Perfect even. You can start with just the moment..each moment that comes, and find out what you believe, from the new, fresh place of giving up…of the bottom, of the bare floor. It’s a start. That’s all we need.

Forget everything you know about what’s coming. Forget everything you’ve heard about what the changes are or mean, or what the world will become or won’t. Forget what you think you know about your future (unless you’ve already fallen in love with it…) You can even forget this after you read it. Forget all that and just feel whatever is under your fingertips. Feel the air move in and out of your lungs. Ask your heart what it beats for. You will likely have forgotten why you weren’t going to do the things you really wanted to…”Why was I holding back again?”, you’ll ask yourself, “What was it that I had to lose?” Like poet Mary Oliver suggests, just consider letting “the warm animal of your body love what it loves.” And like Anais Nin you will soon realize that for you too “the day came when the risk it took to remain tight in a bud, was greater than the risk it took to bloom.”

And then you might even find yourself getting up off the couch in the nightie-top under overalls you wore all day and busting a little groove to the Justin Timberlake you are listening to while you write a modern-day Oracle prophecy about the coming of the new world…oh wait…that’s me. I can highly recommend it, though. (Whatever the equivalent is for you of busting a move in your pjs while rocking the world with your real stuff.) And really, you know, what goes around does come around (referencing the Justin Timberlake song I am listening to)…and I’ve waited a very, very long time for this coming around. Finally, so long after our wings were clipped, we are going to be free again. I saw back then that this time would come, but there were times I had waited so long that I almost thought it never would. It was, more than I can ever say, worth the wait.

So things are going to look the same for the most part. But don’t be fooled. There is something different in the air, and day by day you may ever-so-subtly be able to feel it more. There will be more and more support for the breaking-wide-open of old paradigms and the welcoming in of new love-based shifts and ways of living and being. Day by day, though there will still be the harder times where we are going through specific growth periods, we will start to feel less and less like we are swimming against the tide, and more and more like we are being carried. And when we don’t have to spend so much energy treading water, we are going to realize that we can start to really live again. Because really living is your best fantasy times a billion. Really living is something we’ve forgotten how to do…like really feeling…like a lost language. We knew it when the world began, and in this life when we were first born. And once we are more and more surrounded by it, we will remember how to speak it again.

It’s the language of the heart, yes. It is also the same language of the body. That’s the most important thing we have forgotten (since it was actually systematically wiped out so those with the biggest love-voids could temporarily overpower everyone else)…that the voice of the heart and the body are one. That spiritual and physical are one. That holy and sexual are one. That the senses are the gateway to all knowing, just as much as anything like a chakra or third eye or vision is, and even more so. When we have the true vision of the body again, there will be nothing that we can’t do. Hello Sexy, and welcome back.

(Okay I just can’t help it…I’m not even listening to that particular song but it looks like it’s not just Justin Timberlake bringing sexy back!) So, what do you think Gorgeous…wanna help me bring sexy back?

Because we once all knew just how much the sexual was sacred. It was the cornerstone of our reverence and our celebration. It was the glue of all life and connectedness. It was the symbol and the embodiment of pure love. We weren’t confused about it at all. We knew right where home was, whether shared with others or just on our own. Whether we used our hands or felt it all while walking in the woods. It was just right there.

It’s time for the body to feel like home again. It is where everything will finally come together and all that didn’t match up will finally align. The disjointed places in life will suddenly run smooth and those answers you’ve always looked for will just flow in like water. It’s where the missing joy emerges. And then, even in the hard times, it carries you like a sail through strange waters, and holds space with you like a candle in the heavy darkness. You…bright flame…I am talking to you. You who might have given up on things ever really being like you dreamed they would or could. You who almost gave up reinventing yourself, or trying to read the cloudy compass of your desires. You who is going to remember the way by starlight.

I wouldn’t try to do anything right now. See if you can just give yourself the space to breathe and be. To sit, or move, but not have the perfect plan. Just an open hand, or two, and your gaze on the stars.

I love you.

Love, Jennifer

her post on December 9th is also priceless:

I am continuing to read her posts and found this one about 2012 also very valuable. It has two parts. I highly recommend these posts:

The second part has five specific tools to support this level of transforamtion.

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