Saturday, December 22, 2012

did we miss the boat? what is ascension?

A quick note:

I am reading how many are experiencing disappointment. When I read certain blogs it seems almost tragically funny to see what some people expected from this ascension expectation of 12/21. Yes, I too got caught in expectations and thus disappointments when I know intellectually there is no where to go and nothing to do simply something to remember. When I REMEMBER it is all so clear and I have no questions, concerns, doubt. The whole deal is just to remember Who we are, our I AM presences. Yes, I forget over and over, yes, I thought I was going to get some rocket divinely inspired jet fuel in the memory department yesterday and so yes, I did have to allow my mild disappointment. But to think it is a hoax, to make demand from someone or something outside of ourselves, outside of our own identities, well I must go on record as saying that feels way off track to me. It is clear things are shifting, that the Light is growing, that the energy is on the move. I have no complaints or doubt. The game plan was a bit different than I thought yet makes better sense. I know we are all already getting tons of support and things are moving at hyper sonic speed while appearing sometimes to crawl.
I had a very ordinary day today with little burst of connection and giggles, laughter and fun. I wouldn't call it ascension but I would call it good and very, very good. So I will continue to trust the powers that be to guide me to my own awakening, us to our own awakenings all in good time, my dears.

Positive outlook on what has occurred.

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