Tuesday, December 4, 2012

authentic power

Somehow reading Gary Zukov’s book Spiritual Partnership has proved critical for me at this time. The key point I got is the pursuit of authentic power. Somehow this framework has helped me dial in where I am losing power. It has helped me find my hidden, negative  intentions. Just yesterday I caught myself being what he calls a friend, making nice nice rather than supporting the person in finding her true power in the situation she was sharing with me. 

Yesterday I was still in spin energy. The image I have is a scene from Wizard of Oz  where the house is twirling in the sky and everything is flying past the window. I was freaking myself out with the old thought that in the future, I wouldn’t be able to handle any more intensity. I was imaging future negative fantasies which were scaring the bejesus out of me. I was lost in my old self image as just too sensitive to live my life as I dream. I had gotten through those four days of challenging circumstances that had kept my nerves fired up. I was at peace through much of it yet it had a cumulative effect. By Sunday I was teary and very ungrounded. I could not regain my balance. I remembered to allow it and surrendered totally to my sadness and grief. Yet I forgot to welcome the anxiety so, of course, it lingered. 

I realize anxiety pulls me into the future were I fear I will finally collapse or some other nonsense. In the now, I am handling whatever arises. Yet in the future who knows? That is how that particular mind f*ck messes with me. I somehow calmed down and slept deeply last night. I woke up and grabbed my trusty Course in Miracles and got the lesson that tells me to place my future in the hands of God. HOW PERFECT!! Now that was a mini miracle as it was spot on. I KNOW these little lessons are setting me free of my own limitation and mind traps. I KNOW they are serving me I KNOW I will handle what arises. I KNOW there is a force greater than me guiding the whole process.

We received a package from Austria with goodies for Nicholas day (St. Nick) and there was a bar of candy. For some reason I looked at the date, something that is quite atypical. It was dated 3-21-13, spring equinox and the date this portion of the shift will be complete, in my understanding. It felt so reassuring, another little gift/sign from the Universe.

Overwhelm loves to tell me I can’t clean up and my house has been in such an uproar from the other cleaning necessity. I felt helpless to respond and clean. Yet I dug deep, challenged that belief and accessed my authentic power. AS a four on the enneagram my challenge is to act even when I feel emotionally overrought. It is a big deal for me to challenge that old pattern yet I did it!!!!!! I cleaned for almost and hour and will do more. I feel so relieved. I feel like a heroine. I keep waiting for a ticker tape parade or at least the keys to the city. No such luck. We are all heros/heroines in these times as we dig deep and find our courage to keep on trucking. My loves, my thoughts and prayers go with you as we move into this beautiful new earth that awaits us just around the corner.

Laws to support trust in what is:

Law of Detachment:
1) When it begins (relationship, job and situation) it is always right.
2) Who shows up is exactly who needs to be there.
3) What happens is the only thing that could have happened.
4) When it is done. It is done.


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