Friday, August 31, 2012

embracing the shadow

Three days ago I got the intuitive hit to create a doll to symbolize anxiety and physically indicate a complete shift in the way I choose to hold  that huge part of my shadow in a  new 5th dimensional way. I wasted no time and went out the next day to buy supplies. I am still recovering from the intense shift that occurred from Wednesday to Thursday so will borrow my own post on another site to describe the process. I am continuing to be amazed at the life altering opening this has created within me. Such tears of joy yesterday. I sense I have passed through a very momentous transformative vortex. Still regrouping. I am also passing on a quote I came upon that brought more tears to my eyes and describes all the miraculous syncrocnities that have occurred in the last days:

"the love you have is equal to the love you give"

One example of the miracles unfolding is that the old 3D pattern of not being able to wake my daughter for school has shifted to us leaving the house this morning at 7am, getting to town early enough to enjoy ourselves at a coffeehouse for half an hour before breezing into school 15 minutes early!!!

My notes on the doll: 

I spent the evening making an anxiety doll with some help from the kid. I decided to make a doll for anxiety- the fabric makes me anxious just to look at it! Then I am creating a pouch to put her in that is serene and beautiful-looks like a Van Gogh- and a gorgeous garden y looking strap. The doll has wild, snaky hair. My intent is to welcome, appreciate and hold anxiety in a totally new way. I see how my rejecting this aspect of myself that has been around of most of my life is very self rejecting. I am no longer willing to make that part of me wrong. So when that feeling comes up, I intend to get my doll out, put her in her pouch and carry her with compassion and tenderness. No more rejection and horrified upset when anxiety arises. What a shift for me- no longer willing to make any part of me my enemy. I have been grieving how much I have shunned this part that has brought me so many gifts of healing- always my major motivation for transformation. Like I have been kicking a faithful dog- over and done. 

I have felt zero anxiety since I began this process. It feels as though an ancient wound is being brought back to wholeness. Let's see what unfolds. Still fogged from all the momentous shifts.

Just found this post which incorporates elements of what I have been doing to shift realities and adds much more dimension to it:

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