Sunday, August 26, 2012

big waves- anxiety, control, self-doubt

OMG, the waves are pretty big lately. How have you been doing? Many people, myself included are getting tumbled in the big waves. My healer told me this is the most intensity he has witnessed in his 28 years of practice. So we all have massive opportunities to release anything that is no longer serving us. Yes, I know it is not always pleasant. A few days ago I was so awash in self doubt I thought of resurrecting my old class I taught Self Love is not for Wimps! It was my worst case of self doubt in years- I was a terrible parent, lousy human being etc. And boy did I believe it hook, line and sinker- OUCH! For the last few weeks I have had wave after wave of anxiety around the theme of loss of control. OUCH again. Symptoms- poor sleep, tension, body feeling squeezed, heaviness, inability to act, chaos and disorder. I mention this in case you to are being challenged. My wasband is being affected in the same way yet a few of my friends are sailing through- depends on one's ability to flow without grasping.

Suggestions if you are uncomfortable:

-minimize any unnecessary stimulation
-spend time in nature
-allow your feelings to be what they are, allow it deeply in the body
-whisper sweet nothings to yourself
-rest as much as possible
-be creative
-question the reality of your fears ESPECIALLY when they seem SO real
-focus on what you desire NOT what you don't want

To bring awareness to your thoughts you can try writing down any thought that you do not want to appear in your life- if you don't want it, write it down then burn or tear up the list. Remember, every thought you think is like ordering from a restaurant- is this thought one you'd like delivered to your table? If not, throw it away. Or you can say deflect or cancel to any thought you do not want to appear in your reality.
Then write down in great detail what you do desire. Bring it alive with feeling. Read it as many times as you like. Luxuriate in FEELING yourself living that life. It is the feelings that magnetize the experience to us.

Beloveds, trust and keep the faith as we wind through to the end of the year. KNOW you are never alone. Big kiss and hug, savannah

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