Monday, June 16, 2014

meditation for global prosperity on solstice

Our sister Sanna has brought this to my attention and I encourage each of us to participate in this global effort to bring prosperity and balance to the world economy.

for myself, I have been contemplating lately how scarcity is one of my most constant current teachers. Just as I've learned so much from anxiety, overwhelm, insomnia and co-dependency this is another powerful guide to assist me in letting go of outdated conditioning and beliefs and embrace my own unlimited nature. let's join together and break the shackles that have enslaved us for so long.

1 comment:

  1. For everyone who is interested in participating in MY EVENT "Activating Humanity's Prosperity Code" (it´s for free)

    please note: TIME AND DATE CHANGED!

    New Time and Date: MONDAY JUNE 23 at 6 pm UTC
    (2 DAYS AFTER SOLSTICE to ground M. Swetlish energy-transmission that happens on JUNE 21 - Solstice - and USE THIS ENERGIES to GROUND OUR TRANSMISSION ENERGIES deeper INTO EARTH than ever before)

    THANKS for helping us GROUNDING this ENERGIES - and to ACTIVATE the PROSPERITY Humanity is waiting for since aeons

    Thx, SANNA
    Further Information here:
