Tuesday, November 6, 2012

the power of our thoughts


I had a powerful demonstration yesterday of the power of our thoughts. Way of Mastery suggested taking two pieces of metal and bending them ( in an L shape) so they can be held loosely. then ask someone to think negative, self critical, hateful thoughts. We did this during the class I taught yesterday. A student created negative thoughts while I stood maybe 12 feet away while holding the divining rods. I then walked toward her and the rods began to twist at a distance of about 7 feet. Then she thought positive, loving thoughts and I stood almost 30 feet away. The rods began to move almost immediately as I approached her. We repeated the experiment four times with similar results. For me it was a very transformative moment as I graphically witnessed the power of our thoughts to affect our energetic fields enough to move metal! For me, it makes it more significant that I keep my thoughts uplifted and aligned, recognizing what a significant impact all of us have on the field of energy that connects us worldwide. No one can think a thought without it impacting the field. This is not some airy fairy new age idea. This is a fact you can prove to yourself. Does this give you a sense of you own power? I hope so. We are all so incredibly creative and magnificent. Each of our thoughts contribute or harm the collect. Do not dismiss your own significance. Join me in seeing the challenges facing our world now resolved with ease and grace, in seeing each of us finding our way home and knowing absolutely that we are lovable, loving and loved. If just our blog family did this for one minute everyday, I guarantee the earth would shift to a better, more magical place. Want to come play the world altering game with me? If so, spend just one minute a day imaging your life and the world exactly as you dream of, as Utopia, as a world of Love. And I encourage you to add your comments to this or any other post. By doing so, you have the opportunity to more actively energize the field of connection between us and within yourself.

I am posting this blog on my last two posts as it fits so perfectly with the theme I am recognizing more and more clearly.


and another good one:


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