Monday, November 19, 2012

the answer to all problems or I can see clearly now the rain has gone

I think those are the words to a song ( I can see clearly...) and oh so true today. Yesterday I was in the grip of terror and nothing seemed to set me free of it. I tried all my old tricks; a cappuccino, buying something online, even a few sips of port and nothing made a dent with the exception of speaking to my closest friends. Yet as soon as I hung up, the terror often started constricting me again. The constriction centered in my spine and felt like a huge vise was squeezing it tighter and tighter. My old primal fear was back for one more dance, that I am separated from love unless I am with one who loves me. I was alone at home yesterday and truly shocked to have that old fear rear it's very horrifying head again. No logical counter thoughts helped at all. I could not talk myself or think myself out of it. It was a tidal wave that carried me along. The one improvement was that the witness in me remained present and watching the situation from another vantage and swore to me it would pass quickly. A tiny smidgeon of me was willing to consider that might be true. There were some hours were it diminished significantly. Yet to be caught in terror again after so long without it terrified me even more!! It was super challenging not to get caught in the story of it going on and on into the future yet I had enough inner resources to more or less keep that thought at bay. I woke up after a very sound sleep so clear what had happened and how my terror came from that old lie masquerading as truth, that I can be separated from Love.
I am going to give you the answer to all your problems. I am sure you think I am kidding but this is the most serious thing you may ever read. There is only one problem: separation. Thus there is only one solution; to recognize that problem has been solved. We are not now, will never be and have never been separated from our Source, from Love. IT IS NOT POSSIBLE. The only itsy bitsy challenge is we tend to forget that little fact and then we fall in doodoo. But these lovely light energies bathing our beloved Gaia make it easier and easier to Remember. What I just told you is, for me, the essence of the lesson of the something like 1500 page The Course in Miracles. I just saved you some time and reading. Do not think I jest. I couldn't be more serious. There really is only one problem and the one solution of remembering Who we are. Yesterday I forgot big time and my body kindly shook me to get my attention, making me VERY willing to stay vigilant not to forget again because that was not fun. NO NO NO! Beloveds, with all my heart I join with you in remembering Who you are, a gorgeous, magnificent, limitless, powerful being of joy and Love. From my heart to yours! A huge hug and kiss!!!!

Found this morning blessing very uplifting today:

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