Wednesday, November 14, 2012

neutral observor

I experience myself in an odd state of betwixt and between, not able to really land in anything. For the most part I am able to remain the neutral observer of my experience which keeps me generally calm. I am just reflecting on the value of the neutral observer. In my graduate school we always did trios where we played the rotating roles of client, counselor and neutral observer. The neutral observer held the space. I had started to write "merely held the space" but realized there is nothing merely about it. I am beginning to realize just how powerful the position of witness is. I have practiced meditation for decades without fulling understanding the power of that energy.

I have a request that you join with me in seeing me remain neutral or uplifted at my daughter's parent/teacher conference today. This is a situation that, in the past, might have triggered me. I intend to stay grounded, knowing only the highest and best can unfold.

On a totally separate note, I found this a very interesting and informative video. I am not familiar enough with the valuable work of Abraham to totally understand everything presented yet I still found it quite useful.

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