Monday, May 7, 2012

birthday- viewer warning, not cheerful so read at your own risk

Today is my birthday and I sense a turning point for me. I turned the age both my parents died at, so the number had a big significance for me for a long time. Now I see it as a demarcation point of my rebirth. My parents lives both ended for them in this year. I sense mine is beginning.
I can’t remember how much I have written here about my attachment to gifts as symbols of love yet I have been aware of this and attempting to heal it literally for decades. When I recognized how powerfully presents spoke of love to me, as the only time I knew I was loved as a child, I came to understand the incredible load I had put on my birthday and on presents. I vowed this year to end that attachment. I vowed to release my expectations and I have largely succeeded. I had a number of invitations for today and have had the courage to turn them down. This is something I must face alone. I did go to my dance class and have received wonderful hugs and good wishes. I had a wonderful conversation with a young friend, got a few surprise gifts. I had planned a solitary birthday picnic at the river yet feel too sick still to do that. So I am sitting on my deck with a lot of uncomfortable feelings. I feel quite unwell physically and suspect I had high fever yesterday. I had trouble sleeping. I woke up at 1:11 am and looked at my computer to read about burning away the ego. I was finally able to stop resisting how ill I felt and paradoxically fell into a deep sleep and my fever seemed to go down.
I took food to my daughter’s teacher who just had a baby. This was symbolic of reversing the need to get on my birthday. I did a ritual at a little creek releasing all that no longer serves me and embracing what I wish to pull in. I will do another one on the land burying the defended aspect of myself. 
In case you are wondering, no one entered my contest yet I still get the gift of having attempted to bring more love to our planet. I have done many things differently this year. I am truly touched by the drawings and love notes my daughter gave me. Yet I have made no progress in one area- expectations that I should be happy and enjoy this day.  I no longer feel on the total edge yet I am surely not happy. I feel a deep sadness that boarders on a profound fear that I am just not cut out for this world, that my sensitivity and how easily I become overwhelmed will plague me all my life, that despite all I have transformed I won’t make it to the finish line but will poop out just short. I am not a happy camper. I feel discouraged, ill, sad. I feel like this will never end. I am sad to share such sorrow with all of you and potentially pull some of you into a dark mood yet this blog for me is about truth and this is what is true for me in this moment. I have been in a difficult place for well over a week now and combined with the over two years of such intense transformation, I just feel plain discouraged. Wish it were different but it is not. I am truly grateful for all those who called and offered me love and support. I am deeply touched. And yet, I am still sad. And so it is.
I did receive a few gifts and I can say for sure they don’t begin to touch the gifts of love and care I was given. They pale in comparison which is definite progress! I see directly that only love truly matters to me and I feel so thankful to have so much love in my life. I know I have made progress finding the source of Love with me. Unfortunately I am just not in touch with it at this moment. This to shall pass.


  1. Happy birthday! Tomorrow's another day. And if you think about it, why isn't it okay to be sad and feel discouraged on your birthday? Especially with the burden of knowing that both of your parents didn't live past the age you just turned. XO


  2. thanks Chris, I totally got it. I realized what a cultural norm it is to be happy on one's birthday and that is partly why I wrote this- to help dispel that myth. things already shifted and I started birthday blog number two but will finish another day. Good to hear from you and I hope you are well. I really appreciate the good wishes.
    Perhaps it is a burden to know they died at my current age but the good thing about being the black sheep is one doesn't tend to have the family genetic karma. Maybe it is getting to me below the level of my awareness but as best as I can tell, I have healed that one. For me the question is and was, where is the source of Love? Since I have believed until now it was outside of me, to make that major shift is not easy and this was the acid test that I set for myself. My friend Uschi said that my mind and heart made the transition, yet my body is lagging behind and that seems accurate. I intended to be alone for most of the day and yet found it quite a challenge. I was deliberately suffocating an old part of me, yet she did not go down without a fight.
