Wednesday, February 20, 2013

different time lines and self love

I have been following some of the comments on and I am aware that each of us is on a different timelines in terms of our journey of Remembrance. Anxiety and abandonment issues forced me on the train fairly early. I was not a happy camper. Then things intensified BIG TIME in 2009. I only knew three other people going through anything similar, one much more mildly, one bit similar and one much more intensely. So it was a very lonely journey until I found internet site's like to support me to not feel like I was the Lone Ranger.  I am definitely through the worst of it and now doing a mop up job. The reason I write this is my sense that others who came more lately to the transformation game may be judging themselves for not being on an upswing. They may be moving into the self hatred that haunted me for so many years. My great intent in sharing my story is my vision that we can go through this journey cherishing ourselves the most when things seem the darkest. I know that is not an easy task yet if you are in a place where you can not find anything about yourself that seems worthy, that you can appreciate, know I am holding your hand. I have so been there and done that.and know how excruciating it is. My loves, may we all know how precious and miraculous we each are. May we each know the Love and the Joy that we are.

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