Saturday, January 5, 2013

we have arrived; let's begin to create the new planetary heart matrix


As I read the post below, I felt truly inspired. I felt a strong sense of expansion and possibility. I will write more on this later yet would be so pleased if you would take the time to read the (long) post below. Let me know if you need me to post the entire blog so that you can translate it. It is a call to action, a call that has been germinating in me for a very long time. That call lifts me from victim to conscious co-creator of the world I yearn to live in. As the feeling of home, of tenderness, of such exquisite Love continue to flourish within me it become absolutely essential for me to extend my inner aliveness outward. I call to each of you, my Beloveds, to join me/us in the creation of the evosphere, the new heart Matrix where Love is the only legitimate guiding force. We have arrived, the time is Now. Let’s begin.

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