Thursday, October 11, 2012

discouragement and allowance

Last night I had about 40 minutes of irritation and heard myself sniping and criticizing, a very old energy pattern. I finally pulled out. My daughter brought me a moment of great joy when I said how I didn't like arguing. She said we didn't argue. Huh? She said it again and said "think about it." I did and realized I complained and she did her thing but in fact we didn't argue! She gave me a high five as that is a MAJOR pattern interrupt for us to be caught in that dynamic and yet not argue. I had so much love pouring out of me after that, cuddling and delighting in the shifted energy.
I had trouble falling asleep and woke throughout the night and then permanently very early. I felt MAJOR discouragement in my body. My daughter had been very discouraged last night and I took it on. I started to run a few negative stories then sank into a heaviness that felt it could bury me. I wanted to scream NO MORE!! I wanted to wallow in it. I wanted to RUN AWAY. Now if you saw yesterday's post, it is clear how quickly the energies can shift. I did the last thing I wanted to do since I know it is the only thing that works. I allowed it to be as it was. I felt it in my body, dropping the story. I just watched the heaviness that felt as though tons of mud was smothering me. I allowed it until shortly before the alarm would go off and then I started pulling in the Light, reminding myself of Who I am, doing my meditation as the Christ and then sending/ extending Love. Why is that so crucial? One can not give what one does not have. I can only extend Love if I have/am it. Slowly the energy shifted. My daughter woke up from a nightmare yet in a good space. I saw how quickly she can digest her own negativity and how it lingers much longer in me. I slowly felt better. On my drive home I beamed a ray of love to a jogger and his dog. He waved to me!!! I knew absolutely he had felt it. I was stunned when I saw him wave as I knew it was the confirmation I need that the Love I send is not being poured into a void of empty space. I KNEW it had made a difference and I again felt inspired. 
I took my car in for repair and the owner of the shop drove me home. He has many challenges on his plate including a dying sister, age 52. I felt discouragement begin to wrap it’s tendrils around me again. Yet this time I was able to zap it with a light beam of Love which I sent to both of us, surrounding us both in white Light. I looked up the oracle report and sure enough (like I had to check, not) we are getting inundated with a clearing energy now and it ain’t easy. My loves, if you feel discouraged today, be good to yourself. Keep your day as simple as possible. If you can, spend time in nature wherever you can find it. Know this energy is a fierce yet helpful energy of clearing. Know it will pass. Know you are not alone. Know others will be off balance too so protect yourself in whatever form works for you, with Light, with Love. Pay extra attention to your driving and anger fuse. Hey, I know it is all illusion but sometimes the illusion kicks ass and makes me want to yell, STOP, ENOUGH. Sad news, I ain’t in charge of the Universe so it will be what it will be. Actually it is super lucky I’m not in charge as I would be clueless how to manage all of this.
I notice how contagious fear is. I am so grateful for those around me who hold in Presence as that makes my life sooo much easier. I am grateful to my daughter and my friends Karin and Uschi. I am also thankful for my wasband Georg as he continues to bless me with so much  love and support. Beloveds, I send you so much Love in these challenging times I leave with a few inspiring quotes I saw this morning.

“If we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep walking.” Zen proverb

“Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.”

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