Thursday, October 4, 2012

attraction and denial plus fear release exercise

My beloved friend Uschi and I had an interesting conversation yesterday. We were discussing the Abraham video I had posted (9/24/12) and what we had both gotten from it. Abraham is all about law of attraction and how the resonance of one’s energy creates one’s reality. Too, too true. Uschi was new to Abraham's work yet quickly caught what can become a trap.

I used to facilitate classes at a Science of Mind center. The focus there is how the mind creates reality and that by changing one’s thoughts one can change one’s life. Now I agree totally with that with the add caveat that the key is to change one’s resonance, one’s feeling tone, one’s emotions to create change. Here’s the trap I met with over and over. People tended to use this as an excuse to live in denial. “I don’t have to deal with the fear, that pain, that anger,” they’d say. “If I do, I’ll be negatively creating.” Good luck with that. For me it is a balancing act. Yes, it is critical to place our attention on what we desire and keep it there. Yet it is equally critical to realize that when we do that, whatever is unlike what we are focusing on will rise to the surface for clearing. This is good news. This is not the time to stick your head in the sand and say, “It's all good.” I literally heard a student tell people at church one Sunday that she was doing fabulous. The next day at class she told me she was suicidal!! Talk about denial! It is as though people were ashamed to admit they are not doing amazingly because then they would be judged as negatively creating. I gotta tell ya, IT DOES NOT WORK. The dance, in my direct experience, is to focus on what I intend and then be present to whatever arises. When something uncomfortable pops up, I allow it fully in my body. In fact, I welcome it. Now I was careful with the title of this post as when I wrote one called “welcoming anxiety” no one looked at it for the longest time. Yes, I know, it is so counter to our conditioning which tells us to run from pain, to deny it to stuff it. Hence unhappiness. IT DOESN’T WORK!!!!! So don’t express or repress it, allow it, feel it. I will post a fear exercise below as a concrete way to be with it. Watch it and the energy will shift. Emotion is energy in motion. If it doesn’t move, then there is some blockage and it’s time to see what beliefs are creating stagnant energy. (releasing beliefs is another story).

Let me give an example. Monday I went for some routine medical tests and something out of the ordinary turned up. I was not concerned until the technician said she could tell me nothing and then continued by outlining possibilities from it being nothing to it being Armageddon. I thought I was fairly neutral about it until I later realized I was in shock and in a certain level of denial. I immediately called on my I AM Presence to surround me. I alternated between accepting, denial, peace, fear.  I spoke to my health coach who also said the possibilities are of course unknown and I freaked out again. It was now two days later and I realized I was stuffing my own fear. Hello, I had just facilitated a class about allowance and I was seeking to hide in denial or rescue myself through control. I decided to just dive in and allow all my fears to arise- fear of medial procedures, fear of doctors and the biggie, fear of death. I decided to go whole hog. WHY? Was I then creating or attracting death? Not at all. I was releasing what was THERE not creating anything. See the difference? IF I stuff it, it festers. So guess what happened when I went for it? After I fully allowed my fears, I felt such relief and release. Spaciousness opened as well as a number of ways of supporting myself and resolving the issue. I SAW clearly, after I really opened to it what was going on and what my body was trying to tell me. (One caveat, do not expect the first time you dive in, you will feel relief. You may or may not. This is a practice. One need to practice it constantly to get consistent results.)

In the late 90’s I had a huge fibroid removed. I had been dithering about my profound desire to bring a child into my life. The fibroid woke me up and helped me to commit to bring a child into our family, one way or another. This fibroid had a 50% chance of reappearing yet because I heard my body’s message and responded, I have never had another problem. Same here. I hear you, dear body and I will quit denying what you have been trying to tell me yet I was too scattered to hear. I will respond with all my creative powers to your message. 

So here’s what diving into my fears did for me. It opened me to my own intuition and resources. It helped me shift from victim to empowered. It brought the fears lurking below the surface to the light of day for release. Can you feel this? DENIAL DOES NOT WORK! If one is not willing to be with what is, what is will escalate to get attention and healing. This is the source of unease and disease. I am choosing to listen before it gets more serious and to act.

So the next trick is not to get hung up on it and then place attention on the problem! NO! The attention is placed on the physical sensations that arise in the body in response to the situation which then drops us into our own Presence and into the same intelligence that runs the entire Universe. Here great wisdom lives. Trust me, this works.

Now that I have been present to what is, I can shift my attention back to my intentions and desires. I desire joy and I am making it a practice to notice at least five things daily that bring me joy. I recommend this practice and feel free to post 5 things that bring you joy in the comments. I have been awake for over four hours and here is what has brought me joy; a shower of falling leaves cascading over my car, a heart shaped leaf with a beautiful red splash of color on it, my daughter getting up on time even though she was very tired, a movement in my Nia class that flowed effortlessly, a conversation that was very alive at the coffee shop, writing this blog, a cool breeze dancing over me, the sound of my wind chime, the smell of my fish cooking, the spaciousness I experienced after my Nia class. I could recognize my tendency to hang out in the heaviness of not getting much sleep last night, of worry, of intensity which seems to be our daily fare. My joy list is the antidote for that. By focusing my attention on what I want while allowing myself to experience whatever arises, I discovered authentic joy and spaciousness. What a shift! Whoopee! I am too to proud of myself (yes, yes, I know- pure ego but I have decided to ENJOY my little ego trip,) Do you sense the dance of creating one’s own life. Uschi said to me, “But this requires constant attention.” Yes, that is true. Yet is the life of your dreams worth it? I say yes!

Opps, I was rushing and forgot to add the fear release exercise. Here it is:

Fear Processing Exercise, by Inelia Benz for
You can do this exercise at any time, whenever you feel fear.
For best results, it is best to do it in a quiet and private space and working through a list of fears you have written beforehand.
Sit or lie down comfortably with your back straight and close your eyes.
Breathe in deeply and slowly into your abdomen, then breathe out as fast as you can. Repeat, breathe in slowly, then out as fast as you can. And once more, breathe in slowly and slowly, then out fast.
Now continue breathing at your own pace.
Scan you physical body from head to toe, to find the energy of fear. Look for fear. If you cannot find it, read one of your fear items in your list and scan your body again.
Once you find fear in your body, simply look at it. Don’t analyze it, just look at it. Allow it to be there. Allow it to exist.
Allow it to grow and to be.
It could be a physical discomfort, such as a knot, a pain, a location of energy, or through a thought or memory, or it could be just the emotion of fear. Just look at it.

 Observe it.

Feel it.

Allow it to be here. And say, “fear, you are welcome here.” Welcome here. Welcome fear and allow it to grow. Let it get bigger and bigger. Allow it to grow, and grow... as big as it can go Let it be as big as it can possibly get. Allow it to express itself to you. But don’t analyze. Simply allow whatever comes.
Whether words, thoughts, memories, Follow it if it changes into another emotion, or changes locations in your body. Whatever it does, welcome the new expression. “you are welcome here, thought... you are welcome here emotion, words, memories, you are welcome here fear.”

You are welcome here.

 Watch it. Observe it. Now, allow yourself to get closer and embrace fear in whatever expression it has chosen. give it light and love, and allow it to exist. Thank it for whatever job it had for you, for being with you for so long.

Now, release it into Oneness.

 Allow it to go free back into Source. 

Breathe deeply now. 

As you breathe in, breathe in light and love. And as you breathe out, allow that light and love to go to and fill the space where fear used to be. Now, simply breathe deeply and slowly. Breathing in light and love, and as you breathe out, allow that light and love to expand throughout your body and out into your environment. Now, scan your body from your toes to your head and see if there is any of that fear left. If so, repeat the exercise straight away. If not, you can use your list to repeat the exercise, or end now by opening your eyes and having a good stretch. Repeat this exercise every day until there is no more fear in your life.

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