Monday, May 12, 2014

when loved ones suffer

this really speaks to me, it is what I am slowly discovering and soothes some ragged edges today:

Many pursue spirituality hoping to discover freedom from the adversities of life. While spirituality cannot prevent outcomes from occurring, it is sure to reveal the source of pain often associated with unfavorable outcomes. Such pain is not caused by any particular outcome, but the inability to feel good about yourself until whatever you perceive as adverse is no longer present in your life. Once you recognize a refusal to feel good about yourself until life changes more in your favor, to be the source of pain and suffering, you begin to free yourself from the doubt and despair of adversity.

While this cannot guarantee any particular outcome, it helps you evolve as a result of outcome by recognizing the profound gifts within every encounter. This allows your heart to remain open, no matter the circumstances that come your way, which frees you from judging anything as adverse or favorable when it’s equally an essential part of your incredible life’s journey. Once you no longer judge anything as adverse, or withhold love from yourself until circumstances change, you are able to lovingly support others through their circumstances without needing to change their experiences as well.

From this space, the most direct way to help others in adversity is to help them feel good about themselves – no matter how their life appears. The best way to help others feel good about themselves is by letting them know how good you feel having them in your life. This means the more others matter to you, the more their life begins to matter, despite the circumstances they are sure to face.

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