Tuesday, April 9, 2013

spinning the joy thread NOW

  Lately I have been feeling anything but joyful. I have had heavy emotions and thoughts and yesterday could barely function for part of the day. Today the air is so crisp and clear and I feel good, even a taste of joy! It is inspiring me to repost this delicious poem with alterations in my answer to this poem. Feel free to add your additions in the comments. We are coming up on another huge portal on the 11th, I understand. Let's pass through with joy. ANd if you feel like sh*t, enjoy being non joyful as I have had to do countless times. Love to us all.

This poem inspired me to form a powerful intention to declare myself for joy about five years ago. I lost track of it and someone just forwarded it to me. (2010) Let's ALL DECLARE OURSELVES FOR JOY!!!!! What a perfect poem for the this next portal.

The poem is Testament (Or Homage to Walt Whitman) by Erica Jong.

     I, Erica Jong, in the midst of my life,
     having had two parents, two sisters,
     two husbands, two books of poems
     & three decades of pain,

     having cried for those that did not love me
     & those who loved me- but not enough
     & those whom I did not love-
     declare myself now for joy
     There is pain enough to nourish us everywhere;
        it is joy that is scarce...

     Unhappiness is cheap,
          Childhood is a universal affliction.
          I say to hell with the analysts of minus & plus
          the life-shrinkers, the diminishers of joy.

     I say to hell with anyone
          who would suck on misery
          like a pacifier
          in a toothless mouth.
          I say to hell with gloom...

     Doom is cheap
          If the apocalypse is coming,
          let us wait for it in joy...

     I resolve myself for joy.

     If that resolve means I must live alone,
          I accept aloneness.

     If the joy house I inhabit must be
          a house of my own making,
          I accept that making...

     No joy-denyer can deny me now.
          For what I have is undeniable.
          I inhabit my own house,
          the house of joy...

     The soul is contagious.
          One man catches another's
          like the plague;
          & and we are all patient spiders
          to each other.

     If we can spin the joy thread
          & also catch it-

     If we can be sufficient to ourselves,
          we need fear no entangling webs...

     How to spin joy out of an empty heart?
     The joy-egg germinates even in despair.

     Orgasms of gloom convulse the world;
          & and the joy-seekers huddle together.

     We meet on the pages of books & by beachwood fires,
     We meet scrawled blackly in many-folded letters.
     We know each other by free & generous hands,
     We swing like spiders on each other's souls.

Reading this inspired me to further my intention to declare myself for love, for joy, for self acceptance. I invite you to join me and pass it on.

     I, Savannah Hanson, in the midst of my life,
          having two parents, two siblings,
          one former husband, one child, three careers,
          & over four decades of pain.
          Having cried and despaired for those who did not love me
          & those who loved me-but not enough
          & those who I loved-but not enough
          & those whom I did not love
          & for not loving myself, for wanting to leave this gorgeous planet for a better place, for not being able to love with my whole being, for feeling lost and devastated, confused and incapable, unworthy and weak, empty and meaningless, heavy

declare myself forJOY!!!

In this moment on April 9, 2013 I declare myself to embody and live in joy, noticing the beauty and the wonder, reaching out with open arms to embrace life, to embrace you, to embrace the suffering and magic of this spectacular planet, to say a giant 

to the whole magnificent tapestry, to live with my heart wide open to all that I meet, to be limitless power dancing unity, to undulate with the moment, frolicking through life's gifts, capably allowing it to be as it is, in vibrant health, with amazing abundance and wealth, in  joyous celebration of all that we are and all that we do, caressing it all with tender love.

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