Monday, April 1, 2013

embodied bliss and abundance- April

Because times are so intense it is easy to get stuck in "the problem" whatever it may be. To antidote that I am creating a forum (or maybe a monologue) to share our joy. I will post five or more things I am finding joy (now with a focus on at least one moment of EMBODIED joy) in each day. I'll do it for as long as it feels good. Feel free to add your list in the comments or to do it at home on your own. Know that if you choose to do this you will be adding to the aggregate joy of the planet and right now she needs it. It will train our attention to focus on joy (EMBODIED joy in particular) and thus, by law of attraction, our joy MUST increase

I am also realizing I need to focus on abundance as lately my attention has been diverted to lack, especially financial lack so I am know adding abundance to my list. Below is a wonderful exercise that helps turn our attention to what will lift our energy. 
It was published a year ago today, April 1, 2012:

or try googling Abraham Hicks -- Cleaning Resistance, April 1, 2012

I would be delighted if you would like to add your joy list in the comments!!!

- more clarity
- calmer
- appreciating the abundance and beauty of my surroundings
- tears of connection for my Uncle and his family
- DVD Awake in the Dream
- listening to Abraham UTube's and shifting my energy
- feeling my I AM presence 
-many lovely easter gift's from wasband
- his support with lawn and driveway
- knowing my daughter has a fun day planned
- much more clarity how to stay centered
- beautiful healing with father while listening to meditation in special features of Awake in the Dream
- very productive
- neutral when Horacio no-showed
- tea with Karin and Michael
- hug from Jan
- lovely conversation at gym
- able to pull out of nosedives more consciously
- greater understanding of law of attraction and how applies to abundance
- delicious kundalini yoga class in my town
- getting so much done
- good DVD
- mail up and out
- less procrastination
- abundance to take fitness classes
- sound of rain
- fantastic night of sleep
- new clarity about health and role of the body
- staying mostly centered in previously difficult circumstance
- increased understanding of the mind's role in abundance of all shapes
- made $13.50 with selling unused items
- resolved sticky morning conflict without drama or charge
- good water aerobics 
- seemingly new car situation will get resolved
- slept fine enough
- cuddles
- reading Little House on the Prairie together
- new lawn mower
- cut grass
- burned wood
- support
- seeing daughter ride
- staying balanced again in challenging situation
- better understanding wasband's feelings/needs and expressing my own
- new gnome
- lovely party at Luis's
- seeing friends I had not seen in years
- staying centered and ground in a crowd
- not being addictive
- meaningful conversations
- feeling connected in my body while surrounded by so many people
- feeling neutral acceptance and almost a sense of endearment for previously irritating ego quirks of others
- getting at a cellular level how others' ego patterns are mere defenses against some level of inadequacy and thus finding them somehow touching and yes, endearing
- yoga in the morning
- daughter's abundance
- time to be still
- possible abundance opportunity
- owl hooting
- Moonlight's thumping warning
- my home
- feeling good again!!
- feeling lighter- 
- able to function again
- lowest weight in over 20 years
- coast is clear; can see over 80 miles to coastal range, so crisp and beautiful
- lovely breath meditation
- getting things done effortlessly
- gorgeous bird songs
-slept well over 8 hours!
- feeling hopeful
- many wonderful events upcoming
- recognizing and releasing heavy thoughts and feelings
- incredibly blessed, light, enjoyable day yesterday
- knowing the lightness came from an inner state of being
- incredibly productive and able to function
- tears of joy at the beauty of my environment, the birds, the green, the mountains, all of it!
- wonderful new yoga class; teacher has delicious energy
- new skills arriving including powerful awareness and psychic powers
- such peace and acceptance
- cleaned my bedroom!
- clearing papers
- staying centered in conflict
- little sleep yet staying mostly out of story
- family harmony
- resolving differences
- beautiful bird songs
- support and love from Jan
- getting to sit near my friends at Kane's
- seeing far
- certainty of purpose
- certainty this is all for our highest good
- certainty of support
- Karin being super supportive in very challenging situation
- major drama resolved with minimal fallout
- feeling more centered today
- Horacio's wisdom and support
- fantastic and eye opening conversation with a parent
- possible fascinating student for my class
- lots of ideas percolating
- feeling more hope and possibility
- feeling more capable
- greater understanding of my primary fear
- cool evenings
- reading sweet book together
- harmony
- lots of ideas for my class
- feeling of certainty (however fleeting) that all will be well
- wonderful resources available for free on the internet
- actually enjoyed my volunteer training
- met some new people
- gorgeous strawberries
- not pulled by shopping/sugar challenges,much freedom in a new way!
-lovely, cool day
- tulip festival
- connecting with people with such pure energy
- hanging out on deck with loved ones
- quick tasty dinner with family and friend
- great DVD "The Help."
- good night of sleep
- yoga helping balance body
- some free cranial sacral work
- wonderful student for my class
- Karin pulling off miracle
- Tel Aviv checking into this blog as I was updating- connection!!
- fantastic new writing course
- ability to do a lot even though feeling physically flat lines
- wonderful temple lead by Chameli
- Sinzing Bayem checking into blog as I was, more connection and mystery as I do not know where that is and must explore
- feeling the power of my writing to access buried emotions in an extremely powerful way
- sweet time with Karin
- feeling SO supported by writing group
- lovely interaction at temple
- recognizing how heavy thought, beliefs, conditioning have pulled me down most of my life
- able to forgive myself for those experiences
- slowly waking up to the illusion of those false beliefs
- wonderfully, delicious, present day yesterday
- cleaned kitchen and even detailed!!
- trees on my walk seemed to sparkle like diamonds
- everything so vivid, green and lush
- felt a very real embodied and delightful presence that filled me with certainty
- feeling so capable
- faith
- made my bed today!!
- very calm when car wouldn't start, actual laughed
- yea for AAA who are on there way
- watching a movie about Australia and learning in 2008? the government apologized formally for placing Aborigine children forcibly in white homes
- despite three initial abnormal results, all my medical test turned out negative!!!!!
- feeling huge relief!!!!!
- staying calm and centered throughout even when they found something suspicious, twice, and needed to test further
- cool day
- loving, new doctor, just as I imagined
- hug from my new doctor
- conscious, present doctor and staff, just as I out-pictured
- free cappuccino to celebrate from Valentina
- support and light from many
- great reasonable organic food at grocery outlet
- a feeling of profound containment
- such harmony in the family
- new swing chair
- cooperation
- Sarah's joyful water aerobics
- having enough
- crisp, gorgeous day
- fun plans tonight
- wonderful dinner with Cory and Eva
- very nourishing massage
- slept over 9 hours!!!!!!!!!
- sweet talk with my mother in law
- pulled back from reaction
- sound of chimes
- new seeds I planted growing
- daughter being so careful not to wake me
- mother in laws medical tests also negative
- wasband met us for coffee at the restaurant
- daughter admiring my "hour glass" figure which she is seeing basically for the first time as I unzip the fat suit
- more weight released
- pulling out of fear
- call from Uschi
- wasband doing so much yard work for me
- daughter doing her chores without resistance
- the courage of the whistleblowers
- the courage of all of us to face our fears
- slept 9 hours!!!!
- interesting writing class
- self acceptance even when what i initially wrote was so trite and dead
- awakening session
- dinner with Karin at home
- eating outside
- the incredible beauty of my surroundings
- blessed silence
- bird song
- making some money
- major weight release
- deciding not to buy into my story of ongoing tiredness
- silence
- feeling lifted writing my blog
- enjoying the community on think with your heart
- good session with Michael
- lovely yoga class and release of toxins
- survived the first eclipse
- recovered some of my energy
- sweet school performance
- lunch with Kathleen
- waking up more and more
- cool evenings
- cappuccino
- being totally at peace with sometimes spacing on writing my abundance/ gratitude list
- sweet laughs on car ride
-cool air
-visit with some cows
-daughter liking hanging out with the cows
- new place
- new area explored
- the most amazing light being we met
- food at temple
- Karin's friendship
- intimacy and honesty
- shared truths
- feeling rested!!!
- slept longer!!!
- cleaning up
- wasband mowed lawn
- rebalanced after "blow"
- calm day
- changed sheets (after months?- long time)
- switched out winter clothes
- starry night
- gorgeous irises
- lovely flowers from daughter
- sweet family meal
- yoga helped me wake up
- breeze
- some cranial sacral to help me be more alert
- happy my emotions are in check
- seeing what opportunity is on my plate
- almost done with 24 hour fast
- slept about 9 hours!!!!!
- huge shift
- finally able to surrender my sleep
- awareness of attachment and control in sleep area
- shifting beliefs about sleep
- so sweet email from Uschi
- hearing from B.J. and Patricia
- wasband here to help with lawn and wanting to honor mother's day
- cooler out
-777 visitors this month so far 


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