Monday, May 9, 2011

Enlightenment for dummies

Has anybody but me noticed things are pretty intense lately? Seems like it is one crisis after another and everybody has something huge happening in their immediate circle of friends and family.  So it seems to me that “enlightenment” is no longer something esoteric for some yogi in a cave but something critical to surviving these rigorous times. So what came to me today is to devise an enlightenment for dummies plan. I know I need to keep it simple these day for it to work for me.
My plan is based on my understanding of Course in Miracles and Way of Mastery combined with Cellular Memory Release. I teach classes and give private sessions based on this work and I want to try to synthesize the key points into a hopefully simple plan for transformation.  
  1. How do I know if I am in ego or in mySelf, in my Spirt? If there is fear, doubt, anger and so on it is ego/fear. If there is a calm certainty, peace, joy, acceptance then you are remembering Who you are, you are in your own Presence. 
  2. What do I do when I am caught in ego? First, you allow ourself to feel what you are feeling in you BODY. Let the sensations, heat, knots, tension be there. Feel them fully. They come in waves and must be felt to be released. Then after the waves pass, examine your perceptions and beliefs. You have been caught by a false understanding of yourself, you have forgotten your magnificence, your unlimitedness. Ask for the support of the Universe in releasing these false beliefs and perceptions so that you can remember your true Identity. Through allowing the past conditioning to come to the surface for transformation, we are able to clear all the obstacles and return to the state of being, of bliss that is our true identity. Know it as simple as that, yet as challenging as that.
I am amazed that despite my level of awareness, despite my ability to observe myself and my knowledge of my own conditioning and triggers, I still fell again for my unloved conditioning/pattern on my birthday. In hindsight I can reinterpret what happened with more accuracy and honesty but as it happened I could only see and feel one thing- I am not loved. Wild to me how primal and powerful that conditioning can be.
My darlings, don’t believe it. It isn’t true! You are incredible, wonderful, precious, a masterpiece. Know that with every cell of your being. Don’t forget like I did. Don’t lie to yourself about Who you are.
If you have particular questions feel free to email me and I will try to answer as many questions as I can in future blogs.
Someone new from the Ukraine is checking into the blog. I love it! Welcome!
Remember how powerful and unlimited you are. Remember that you are never alone. Remember Who you are. It takes one to know one and I KNOW WHO YOU ARE. May the road rise up to meet you.

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