Tuesday, July 17, 2012

through the gateway

From what I am reading, we are passing through an important gateway, ready to take flight, living out the promise of all we have prepared for so diligently. For those of us who have laid the foundation, it is time to begin to pull in our passion and purpose, enjoy, play and have fun in our new 5D world. Party! And if you are not yet in that space, have faith and trust that all will be well. Although the initiation may not yet be complete,  we are well on our way to being launched.
 On a personal level, I have had moments of absolute certainty of Love, of Home, of living the life of my dreams. Mini miracles have occurred with profound love and intimacy. Also mini challenges have occurred, where my faith drops through the floor and I remember nothing. I 
must accept and allow all to unfold as it does.

below is a link to and a passage from some words I found helpful- I hope you will too.

We are so delighted at what awaits you here, and for those who are finding it difficult to be birthed through this passage, we implore you to have faith in these words, trust in your divine plan, and the knowing that all is perfect and well.  There is no need to wonder any longer, you are home free now.”  -PHC


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