Tuesday, November 1, 2011



Happy 11-1-11! I wrote my first blog a year ago today and what a joy it has been. Sharing my journey and what it has taught me somehow makes it easier for me to live through the painful parts. I have such a strong sense that then my suffering can help alleviate someone else's and somehow that eases the journey. It is so strange to me that those of you who read regularly know so much about me and I only know what country you are from. Yet I feel viscerally connected.

I have a blog about the body brewing. The body is my last frontier as it is the one I have avoided the longest, not really wanting to "embody." The one thing I want to share now is a feeling I have had lately that is so new and delicious for me. I am taking a class called embodidance and I think it was there I first had the feeling, the feeling of expressing exactly what I was experiencing through movement. The expression was pure and absolutely authentic. There was a feeling of RIGHTNESS that was indesribable. My entire being vibrated with the knowing that for those few seconds I was 100% real, that my whole being was singing with Truth. It was joyful and fluid. I experience it again for one song while at ecstatic dance. I flowed through the song in a way that was so ME, so genuine, so alive. I saw someone staring at me and that somehow validated the feeling even more. He later told me how mesmerized he was by my movement. It as though a whole unknown world, a world I am sure many of you know well, opened to me. YUM!

Blessing, Beloveds as we travel toward the 11:11:11 gateway. Know that we are not alone and that legions of angels and guides are escorting our every step.

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