Friday, August 1, 2014

love every aspect of your being as it all serves to bring you Home- translator

Increasing power and clarity are pouring into me. Yet I'm also aware of the need to stay vigilant to steer clear of limiting thoughts or beliefs. I feel the discomfort of them instantly. As soon as any disruption occurs, my fallback position is to love the part of me that feels frightened, lost, alone, incapable and so on. My sense is this is the quickest way to align with these powerful energies with maximum grace. Working with clients i am privileged to observe how much resistance is stirred up by fighting our shadows, how much spaciousness is generated when we allow and embrace all that arises with love. Simple, not easy. Below some tidbits I find useful. I am also preparing for my annual computer hiatus, taking a break from that energy. My heart goes with each of you as I take this pause. Know that each of you are magnificent masterpieces. Be well my loves and surf those waves back Home to the Love that you are. Know that it is my intent to translate these higher messages we receive down to a more human level to hopefully make them more intelligible and accessible.  My hope is that by sharing my experience of moving through these energies that impact me so powerfully, I may shine a light on the most direct path Home.

This is a lovely reminder to love ourselves ever more deeply:

and more clarity on what is arising:

....This will be a world that is much touched by the higher cause to love and support of one another. These will be your greater motivators.
Many people are awakening at this time. And it has been quite a shock to the nervous system for the higher will to be penetrating into the heart of the lower self, the emotional body.

The energies of your wounded emotional bodies have run the show in many ways. And as it becomes clearer that the emotional body is a force that must be reckoned with, there will be a growing willingness on the planet to deal with these sacred energies. 

The emotional body is the sacred body of experience on your planet. And whether you have known it or not, it has been what has saved you from the annihilation that many have sought. The world is seeking the peace of the emotional body. It is now being penetrated by higher energies, which remind you of what you are made up of from the inside out.

This memory is inherent in all of you.
It is what will save you from the destructive path of the lower swill, which has looked OUT instead of to itself as a sacred force. This will be a time when the memory of the inner self will accelerate. Many will seek deeper truths as this begins to unfold and be assimilated....


Do not depend only on the crises and annihilations to inspire you to show up through grief and despair. This would be a variation of the same thing you have known... victim consciousness.
You need to learn to allow the emotional body to awaken you into the joy and inspiration and revelation of the depths of that joy... That is what is possible as these higher energies are ready to be downloaded more fully into your emotional bodies....

While you may think you are looking for ways out of pain and despair, you are unknowingly trying to find a way out of God’s heart. Feelings such as pain and despair are a series of energetic adjustments that occur when you exit ego-land and return home to the kingdom of your divine heart space. The desire to feel better is understandable, but it makes your path endless and insufferable. Equally so, a willingness to hand yourself over to love and treat your feelings feel like an innocent child, tossing and turning at the core of your being, delivers you into the glory of salvation. As salvation dawns, you are reborn as the eternal one I AM. In order to be reborn and discover a paradise beyond any measurement, promise, or desire, your fight with preferences must come to an end. This is the heart of

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