Friday, June 1, 2012

What's up?

Here is a lovely article cluing us in to what is up astrologically and how we can best take advantage of these momentous events. So far it is fairly clear sailing. I just went through something that even a month ago would have had me reaching for a double margarita (just kidding- I don't really drink much but you get the picture). This time there were some difficult moments and angry words yet overall so much more peace and acceptance. The main thing for me is having broken the beliefs that these energies were too big, too uncomfortable, whatever. Just having shifted that belief, things are sooo much easier. So keep checking to ensure your beliefs are working for you. How to check? Tell your self that every thought you have is ordering something from the Universe and then check to see if that thought appeared instantaneously, would you be glad? For example, here's some I have had to jettison- I can't take it, it is too much, this will never end, I am too sensitive, these energies might crush me, these energies are hard to handle. Beliefs that work: I am unlimited, I am powerful beyond measure, I make a difference,  I am extending love, these energies are supporting me in my deepest longing. Try playing with this, and for God sakes, don't take any of it too serious. Alright my loves, enjoy the ride!!


  1. Your insights about Beliefs here are simple yet profound. Shifting from the level of beliefs is the ground floor, and we often are not even able to *see* these. Thank you for this great reminder today. blessed be

  2. You are most welcome! I resonated deeply with your words too and love the feeling of "strangers" actually being unmet friends holding each other in love as we move through this momentous passage, all of us inspiring and encouraging each other, especially when we hit a rough patch. To life!
