Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Happy Solstice- time for JOY

Happy solstice! Summer begins in a few hours and this solstice is said to bring us some intense yet luscious energy. I am chewing on so much I can't yet articulate it except for one thing. I (and perhaps many of us) have been missing one critical piece of the puzzle- JOY! After years of slogging through the mud of transformation it is no wonder that we have forgotten or perhaps never remembered how to live in joy. I believe this is our mission, should each of us decide to accept it. How to live joyously, regardless of outside circumstance- that is the question. A tall order I know yet I sense we are ready for it. I am attending a solstice ritual tonight and I will include all of you in my prayers. I have a request- will you join me in using the strong energies of the new moon (Tuesday in California) and the solstice to set your intention to live joyfully. I know that if we band together in our energies, there is no limit to what we can create. Here is a toast to joy! :drinks:

here's a clip from a post to support this view;

A Year Delight, ‘De-Light’, Joy and Peace
Archangel Uriel said that 2012 would be a year of ‘de-light’, meaning that it would be the year of the light and for us to find delight in our lives, ourselves, in what we do, where we live, who we live with and in ourselves. Our focus this year has to be on creating joy, on being self-ish and rejecting what does not serve us and our path. We have been warriors and martyrs for the earth, humanity and the Universe for so long, it’s time for us to put down our swords and let the new generations of those who need to find their truth and passion to take over.

Our mission in the new earth is to teach others how to live in and on purpose, to be joyful, to release karma and to understand transformation so they can achieve the levels of vibration needed to access the new earth, which is to be in heaven on earth. This is our role as teachers and healers in the new earth and to teach that, we have to know and experience it. Yes we can still fight but we’ve already done that. There is no place in new earth’s vibration for anything less than joy, peace and abundance and when we are willing to allow those energies into our lives we will experience the heaven on earth that is our final Home coming.

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