Tuesday, October 4, 2011

peace beyond understanding


A quick note. The energies are quite intense as I am sure many of you are feeling. I have so much I want to write about and two longer blogs floating through my head but find I am not able to write in detail. We are in the ninth and last wave of the Mayan calendar blasting our way to unity consciousness. There are just six days left of the final night of the long count that has lasted thousands of years. We are on the home stretch- hang in there. I have begun to actually embrace (sometimes) and welcome these fiery energies as I realize they are rocket fuel of transformation. I am alternating between bliss, a profound peace I have never known and hellish constricting energies. Last night I experienced a peace truly beyond what I ever could have imaged. I sat with a fire I had built (not my previous expertise), a glass of amazing port, Tarot cards and a good book followed by a hot bath with bath salts of heartsong and tranquility, gazing out my window onto an empty landscape, alone and feeling all one. I had such a sense of completion, of love, of mySelf. Before you get jealous, it has already begun to slip away a bit yet I know it will be back because I know it is who I Am, who you Are. We have just a short time until the end of the Mayan calendar October 28th. From there until December 21, 2012 my understanding is that we will continue to experience windows and portals of profound transformation to fifth dimension unity consciousness. I am noting that those who were in my group of shape shifters who experienced one of the first bone crunching energies of healing and release are now coming out of the tunnel and a new wave of people are just passing into it. Which ever group, if any, you are in, have faith and trust. My mentor assured me in August that I was about to pass through and begin to live a life that served as an example to others of what is possible and help give them the courage to go on. I would have slapped him if he were present (it was an email) because I was at the end of my rope and almost in despair, so exhausted and weary I felt I could not take another step. He was right! I see it now and know it has all been worth it. I have burst of such unconditional love, such a heartfelt feeling of connection with even strangers, such joy that I know it truly has been worth all the anguish, terror and despair. Yes, when the killer energies hit me as they did just last Wednesday I do tend to run my story, "I  can't take it. I can't handle one more second of this vise squeezing the life out of me, compressing me, freaking me out of my bloody mind!!!  %^%$%&&^*E$%*)*()&(^&*^**" That last one was one of the worst and luckily I have learned to hire the heavens- the name of a book and a whole other blog- who came to my rescue and gave me the space to just be with those diabolical, fiendish energies.  Oh yea, trust me I wasn't singing about unity, I was cursing and ranting, screaming enough!!!!!! But my heavenly friends carried me through my depression and flu like symptoms, gave me a smidgeon of faith to hang on till it passed. Well, my darlings, my little note has turned into a love letter. I truly feel such love for all my unseen friends out there in Malaysia, Germany, Austria, Canada, Russia and the good ole US of A as well as all the rest of you who are checking in to my experiences. Perhaps one day we will meet and talk about how we survived these planet altering times as great heros of the revolution from a planet based on greed and suppression to a planet filled with love and unity. We are the ones we have been waiting for and we must all do our part to make it happen. Armageddon or utopia? the choices is ours.

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