As things are collapsing and the chaos intensifies, it is essential that we stay focused on our intent and desire. It is easy to get swept away by all the challenging events occurring in our world and in our families and neighborhoods. There are so many illnesses, deaths, financial losses and so on. Yet it is critical that we concentrate on our heart's desire.
I have been reading something interesting about a new world view, a paradigm shift away from service and "saving the world" to co-creation and living our passion. I feel this coming alive in me. I used to believe that to be a good and worthy person I needed to serve, to save the world. That no longer fits for me so I am happy to read that others are experiencing and writing about this brand new reality. The model now is to find our gift through recognizing what delights us. By doing that which creates joy within us, we become the gift and uplift the planet through the vibration of that blissful being. To continue to believe that we need to save the world just keeps the old paradigm in place. Now we are brand new in our unlimited ability to co-create. What a relief! I realize I need do nothing to be a good and worthy person. The essence of who I am, who you are is good and worthy. Nothing we do can add or subtract from that innate wholeness, it simply is.
Have you seen the movie Star Wars? Remember the one where the death star will destroy an entire planet? Luke Skywalker must save the planet by taking a one in a million shot to hit the one weak point in the otherwise impenetrable death star. On his approach in his starship, he is bombarded by enemy fighters ahead, behind, above. Yet he is told again and again, "Stay on target, stay on target." He must focus all his concentration and technology to hit that one tiny spot that would create the force necessary to destroy the evil death machine. An inner voice (or the voice of his guides- whatever it is suppose to represent) tells him to shut down his technology and to trust "the force" within. He does so, hits the tiny spot and saves millions of life.
That image and that voice saying "stay on target" has stayed with me for years. When ever I feel myself veering into the energy of the chaos, into fear or doubt, I remind myself to stay on target, to surrender to my bliss, to follow my vision and intuition. When I do, I feel good and miracles happen. When I don't, I feel bad and shit happens. Simple, yet challenging. So will you join me and stay on target with your dreams and your joy, your bliss? I will see you in the field.
I have been reading something interesting about a new world view, a paradigm shift away from service and "saving the world" to co-creation and living our passion. I feel this coming alive in me. I used to believe that to be a good and worthy person I needed to serve, to save the world. That no longer fits for me so I am happy to read that others are experiencing and writing about this brand new reality. The model now is to find our gift through recognizing what delights us. By doing that which creates joy within us, we become the gift and uplift the planet through the vibration of that blissful being. To continue to believe that we need to save the world just keeps the old paradigm in place. Now we are brand new in our unlimited ability to co-create. What a relief! I realize I need do nothing to be a good and worthy person. The essence of who I am, who you are is good and worthy. Nothing we do can add or subtract from that innate wholeness, it simply is.
Have you seen the movie Star Wars? Remember the one where the death star will destroy an entire planet? Luke Skywalker must save the planet by taking a one in a million shot to hit the one weak point in the otherwise impenetrable death star. On his approach in his starship, he is bombarded by enemy fighters ahead, behind, above. Yet he is told again and again, "Stay on target, stay on target." He must focus all his concentration and technology to hit that one tiny spot that would create the force necessary to destroy the evil death machine. An inner voice (or the voice of his guides- whatever it is suppose to represent) tells him to shut down his technology and to trust "the force" within. He does so, hits the tiny spot and saves millions of life.
That image and that voice saying "stay on target" has stayed with me for years. When ever I feel myself veering into the energy of the chaos, into fear or doubt, I remind myself to stay on target, to surrender to my bliss, to follow my vision and intuition. When I do, I feel good and miracles happen. When I don't, I feel bad and shit happens. Simple, yet challenging. So will you join me and stay on target with your dreams and your joy, your bliss? I will see you in the field.
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