Wednesday, October 24, 2012

light and dark

Light and dark

Anybody else having some challenging days? Monday was an extra unpleasant day for me. As I said to my friends, I wanted to quit but couldn’t find anybody to accept my resignation. Tuesday I felt fabulous, slept like a cloud and danced through the day. Now Wednesday feels like a truck is trying to park on my chest. I understand we got a one-two punch astrologically yesterday and today. Tomorrow is supposed to bring in some smoother energies. Sigh.

I wish to discuss something that I experience as vital for protecting ourselves during these more challenging times. The University where I got my Master’s always stressed this point but honestly, I never really got it. I do now. It is protecting our energy field with light. I was taught to say each morning, “I surround myself, this house and everyone therein with the pure white Light of Spirit.” I said that for years mechanically without feeling or true understanding. Now I work with the Light and protective energies much more consciously and with greater commitment. One way I protect myself when I feel in contact with a darker energy or field, for example when someone is angry or I am personally experiencing inner darkness, is to imagine myself surrounded by a sphere of Light in an egg shape around my entire body. I may use a white or violet light depending on what I sense is called for. I call in the energy of Love every morning and usually send it to loved ones as well.

To be honest part of me still thought it was hocky, pokey. I felt like it was a children’s game I played for fun. No more. I notice children are particularly vulnerable to discordant energies and I regularly surround my child with a protective energetic field and I recommend you do the same with your children if you have any.

I had a dramatic opportunity to experience the effectiveness of this practice last week. A person close to me had a dramatic shift in her behavior and shared very frightening thoughts and imagery. Absolutely without thought, I literally placed my heart on top of hers and infused her with a loving energy, bathing her with all my power to create a field of Love. The shift was dramatic. She reported a huge inner shift within a minute and her behavior altred immediately too. I would find it hard to believe if I had not experienced it myself.

I highly encourage each of you to find your own method of protecting yourself and your loved ones from the often discordant energies resulting from and part of the ascension process. My sense is some of the energies are reactions to the shift and some of the energies are deliberate provocations. No matter.  We are ALWAYS more powerful when we focus on our essence as Love than any force being thrown at us. 

Another tool to strengthen us and our immune system is to bless our food. We can also clear the energies of our home and workplaces. My girlfriend has a very intense job with the county where there is much drama and chaos. She physically saged ( native American practice of using the smoke of burning sage to clear energies) her office. The smell is quite distinct and got me in trouble  when I tried saging the center where I did low cost counseling. People came out of the woodwork wondering what was going on. Again I digress. Anyway it got so if she didn't sage for a while, her clients and coworkers would request a clearing as they could feel the shift in energy.

Another thing I do every morning is declare the type of day I wish to have. My desire is always ffor a peaceful, loving, joyful day. I declare my intention and then asked to be guided. By listening to my inner guidance which comes for a Source beyond me, a Source that runs the entire Universe, that becomes the type of energy I experience that day.

If you’re like I was, you’ll be thinking, bah humbug, hocus pocus. I know. Yet why not experiment and see what happens?

I want to share one more very effective tool I love. I believe if enough people did this, it would entirely shift the dynamic of the world. This blog family is over 60 countries strong. Imagine the positive effect we could have if every one of us took one minute a day to do the meditation I will suggest? I firmly sense it would rock our world, blasting us into a delicious probable future. So, here goes:

Breath in an image of sunlight through your crown chakra, the top of your head. Let it fill your belly and reach all the way down the front and back of your body to the bottom of your pelvis. Then imagine breathing out through your heart sending a wave of sunlight and love in a circumference that extends thirty miles in every direction with you as the center point. Continue for one minute. I bet you think this would be a drop in the bucket. I disagree. I believe together we can connect our fields and shift the balance of energy on this planet to Love. Will you join me and try it?
(Meditation courtesy of an amazing local yet world renowned healer Cosme  at

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