Because times are so intense it is easy to get stuck in "the problem" whatever it may be. To antidote that I am creating a forum (or maybe a monologue) to share our joy. I will post five or more things I am finding joy (now with a focus on at least one moment of EMBODIED joy) in each day. I'll do it for as long as it feels good. Feel free to add your list in the comments or to do it at home on your own. Know that if you choose to do this you will be adding to the aggregate joy of the planet and right now she needs it. It will train our attention to focus on joy (EMBODIED joy in particular) and thus, by law of attraction, our joy MUST increase.
I would be delighted if you would like to add your joy list in the comments!!!
- boogieing at water aerobics
- smoozing with Brian
- mini miracles
- homework done with ease and grace
- ease at bedtime and waking up
- parent appreciation tea
- gorgeous, warm sunny weather!!- feeling soo much better
- honoring the demise of my marriage two years ago today
- honoring the death date of my wasband's father
- sweet cuddly evening
- intimacy
- my new doll Una Verse and her pet Una T
- family
- fun plans
- great new swim goggles
- family dinners
- new understanding lifting my mood
- delicious cappuccino
- seeing behind and through an argument
- tickets to see Swan Lake as a family
- enjoying the "gloomy" weather
- feeling of inner joy and power that has shifted dramatically from when I woke up
- beauty treatment from daughter
- yummy, healthy dinner
- daughter so much more cooperative!
- feeling "normal" again
- new yoga class
- such lovely weather
- good DVD
- great conversation with Karin
- sweet brunch with Georg and CC
- feeling able and desirous of being productive
- feeling much more balanced
- getting exactly what I envisioned and needed to wear for Medieval games at the Temple clothing swap
- lovely connections at Temple
- so much more acceptance
- sweet exchange with Brenda
- feeling more open and welcoming
- seeing how it is me that kept myself separate
- ending so many ways I created separation
- getting fabulous hotel for one night during Easter break
- lovely evening at Mastery
- sweet connections at Mastery
- tea with Karin
- new CD's with Jeshua
- lovely conversation with Uschi
- good nights sleep
- good workout
- water aerobics
- lovely conversation in sauna
- feeling of community
- lunch at the Fix!! delicious
- feeling relaxed after little sleep
- a lot going on and staying calm
- new possibilities and awarenesses
-- so much harmony at home
- overcoming irritation
- releasing anger/charge when attacked by another
- able to quickly see things differently
- very quickly realizing why loved one said something I perceived as hurtful
- truly recognizing the magic available now
- falling asleep easily
-delicious time at Nia
- connecting to my joy
- releasing body armor
- slowly discovering the bliss of being embodied
- feeling happy
- wonderful new connection
- through absolute synchronicity meeting someone who can help me with my powerful intent to alkalize my body!
- seeing miracles behind the veil
- embodied knowing of the good that is unfolding on the planet
- important exchange with someone
- passing my CEU test quickly
- many kisses
- getting so many errands done
- staying centered and calm despite manny irritants
- moving gracefully through a scary situation
- safety despite two near misses
- for the first time, not falling into any ego traps despite all the stress of being around the frenetic energy of the city and even the mall on the weekend (something I used to avoid like the plague)
- such harmony at home
- beginning a 5 day cleansing/fast with equanimity
- the certainty of emerging joy
- beginning to grok more fully the magical power of these times
- the possibility of a huge new outlet for my work
- certainty that all is well
- ease on my 5 day kidney/bladder cleanse
- daughter making more healthy choices
- sweetness with wasband
- wasband's weekly flowers lasting an average of over three weeks!
- such gorgeous weather
- everything looking so vivid
- different quality to the light
- much greater ease with eating/exercise
- lowest weight I have been in decades
- enjoyable DVD someone gave me
- love with Moonlight
- calm
- good session
- so peaceful
- delighting in the day
- good healing session with Doug
- great ease with fast
- fantastic healing touch at Temple
- feeling the knowing of how we women have touched and healed each other thousands of years ago in similar rituals
- feeling good!
- being the lowest weight I have been in over 20 years!!
- such a warm day
- such ease on second day of full fast
- lovely visit from Karin
- walk at sunset in stunning landscape
- choices for new tax person
- lovely give of detox foot bath
- loving family
- re-watching one of my favorite movies, the Swedish "As it is in Heaven"
- sweating and enjoying Nia
- incredible ease with cleanse, choosing to do 4th day of full fast
- ease adjusting to time
- valuable nutrion advice about alkalizing the body and vegetable protein plus a number of valuable cook books and information as a gift from my new friend Eva
- a wonderful vegetable juice from Eva which is exactly what I was needing
- immediately finding temporary hair dye for school's crazy hair day
- lovely warm day
- sound of birds
- such harmony at home
- daughter developing powerfully healthy habits
- delighting in the sliver of moon last night from hammock
- 4 1/2 days fasting with ease
- so much better health habits
- ease in morning
- water aerobics
- harmony
- no drama
- playing with squishy stuff
- seeing a children's play
- time in the hammock
- horse DVD
-horse riding daughter
-Santa daughter
- Christmas cactus flowering
- able to know "buy" irritation
- daughter riding again
- intuition powerful
- shopping no longer entices me
- joyfully, laughing day
- seeing new festival and temple
- not "buying" the need to have someone else answer my question
- intimacy, connection with Karin and daughter
- daughter feeling safe and connected to Karin
- toxin releasing foot bath gift
- harmony
- beautiful, flowering trees
- recognizing sugar no longer big source of pleasure
- delicious, healthy Temple gifted food
- quiet, increasing joy
- almost no duality
- calm in situation would have sent me to the moon before
- calm with intense energies around me
- able to maintain patience and center
- sweet morning
- Pilates early
- wine with Janah
- peaceful bath
- good session
- passed law and ethics CEU 100%!
- got a lot done even though very tired
- fascinating long movie about Marilyn Monroe and the impossible search for external love
- found someone to do taxes
- sweet conversation with Uschi
- neck pain gone!
- happy equinox
- new accountant is ideal
- lovely drive with wasband
- such ease between us
- new yoga class
- rain
- completions
- great catching up with Elizabeth
- slept through
- good dinner
- cooperation
- healthy
- all the support I have received
- Lee Harris
- Lauren and TWYH
- the mystery of the fog; sunlight filtering through in beautiful rays
- gorgeous spring colors
- crisp spring day
- car washed
- up early and sat in coffee shop before school
- daughter's first time doing healing fast
- fabulous beet drink
- badminton
- the beauty of of the budding trees leading to this house almost bringing tears to my eyes
- pastoral beauty of the valley we live in
- sound of wind chimes
- Nia joy
- sleep, long night sleep after nights of insomnia
- greater clarity about abundance and not being the "doer" in my life
- greater clarity about how to release energy in body when someone "attacks" me, how to be neutral and why it is critical
- going to ballet with wasband and daughter
- fully allowing energies of anxiety/ overwhelm yesterday without story and without family feuding
- opportunity for abundance in my life
- understanding more how to be with my abundance dilemma
- embodying more awareness of how abundant I am
- inner freedom and peace
- upcoming adventure
Will be taking a little siesta time- blessings to all.
- wonderful times at coast
- harmony with daughter-
- healing huge ego charge
- choosing love in a difficult circumstance
- incredible abundance
- time with the beloved ocean
- listening to waves
- luxuriating in such lavishness
- the beauty of Elk
- Heather's hospitality
- wasband joining us for ballet
- such beauty of spring flowers
- cooperation and love
- eyes absorbing such beauty
- daughter riding
- coloring Easter eggs
-wonderful conversation with KARIN
- more centered again
- calmer
- support and reassurance
- more acceptance of necessary financial austerity
- cleaning kitchen
- happy easter
- sound of rain
- feeling of connection and support
- easter basket
- cappuccino!
- stronger feelings of oneness
- clarity about how this game is played
- the abundance of living in such beauty and silence
- -
- getting exactly what I envisioned and needed to wear for Medieval games at the Temple clothing swap
- lovely connections at Temple
- so much more acceptance
- sweet exchange with Brenda
- feeling more open and welcoming
- seeing how it is me that kept myself separate
- ending so many ways I created separation
- getting fabulous hotel for one night during Easter break
- lovely evening at Mastery
- sweet connections at Mastery
- tea with Karin
- new CD's with Jeshua
- lovely conversation with Uschi
- good nights sleep
- good workout
- water aerobics
- lovely conversation in sauna
- feeling of community
- lunch at the Fix!! delicious
- feeling relaxed after little sleep
- a lot going on and staying calm
- new possibilities and awarenesses
-- so much harmony at home
- overcoming irritation
- releasing anger/charge when attacked by another
- able to quickly see things differently
- very quickly realizing why loved one said something I perceived as hurtful
- truly recognizing the magic available now
- falling asleep easily
-delicious time at Nia
- connecting to my joy
- releasing body armor
- slowly discovering the bliss of being embodied
- feeling happy
- wonderful new connection
- through absolute synchronicity meeting someone who can help me with my powerful intent to alkalize my body!
- seeing miracles behind the veil
- embodied knowing of the good that is unfolding on the planet
- important exchange with someone
- passing my CEU test quickly
- many kisses
- getting so many errands done
- staying centered and calm despite manny irritants
- moving gracefully through a scary situation
- safety despite two near misses
- for the first time, not falling into any ego traps despite all the stress of being around the frenetic energy of the city and even the mall on the weekend (something I used to avoid like the plague)
- such harmony at home
- beginning a 5 day cleansing/fast with equanimity
- the certainty of emerging joy
- beginning to grok more fully the magical power of these times
- the possibility of a huge new outlet for my work
- certainty that all is well
- ease on my 5 day kidney/bladder cleanse
- daughter making more healthy choices
- sweetness with wasband
- wasband's weekly flowers lasting an average of over three weeks!
- such gorgeous weather
- everything looking so vivid
- different quality to the light
- much greater ease with eating/exercise
- lowest weight I have been in decades
- enjoyable DVD someone gave me
- love with Moonlight
- calm
- good session
- so peaceful
- delighting in the day
- good healing session with Doug
- great ease with fast
- fantastic healing touch at Temple
- feeling the knowing of how we women have touched and healed each other thousands of years ago in similar rituals
- feeling good!
- being the lowest weight I have been in over 20 years!!
- such a warm day
- such ease on second day of full fast
- lovely visit from Karin
- walk at sunset in stunning landscape
- choices for new tax person
- lovely give of detox foot bath
- loving family
- re-watching one of my favorite movies, the Swedish "As it is in Heaven"
- sweating and enjoying Nia
- incredible ease with cleanse, choosing to do 4th day of full fast
- ease adjusting to time
- valuable nutrion advice about alkalizing the body and vegetable protein plus a number of valuable cook books and information as a gift from my new friend Eva
- a wonderful vegetable juice from Eva which is exactly what I was needing
- immediately finding temporary hair dye for school's crazy hair day
- lovely warm day
- sound of birds
- such harmony at home
- daughter developing powerfully healthy habits
- delighting in the sliver of moon last night from hammock
- 4 1/2 days fasting with ease
- so much better health habits
- ease in morning
- water aerobics
- harmony
- no drama
- playing with squishy stuff
- seeing a children's play
- time in the hammock
- horse DVD
-horse riding daughter
-Santa daughter
- Christmas cactus flowering
- able to know "buy" irritation
- daughter riding again
- intuition powerful
- shopping no longer entices me
- joyfully, laughing day
- seeing new festival and temple
- not "buying" the need to have someone else answer my question
- intimacy, connection with Karin and daughter
- daughter feeling safe and connected to Karin
- toxin releasing foot bath gift
- harmony
- beautiful, flowering trees
- recognizing sugar no longer big source of pleasure
- delicious, healthy Temple gifted food
- quiet, increasing joy
- almost no duality
- calm in situation would have sent me to the moon before
- calm with intense energies around me
- able to maintain patience and center
- sweet morning
- Pilates early
- wine with Janah
- peaceful bath
- good session
- passed law and ethics CEU 100%!
- got a lot done even though very tired
- fascinating long movie about Marilyn Monroe and the impossible search for external love
- found someone to do taxes
- sweet conversation with Uschi
- neck pain gone!
- happy equinox
- new accountant is ideal
- lovely drive with wasband
- such ease between us
- new yoga class
- rain
- completions
- great catching up with Elizabeth
- slept through
- good dinner
- cooperation
- healthy
- all the support I have received
- Lee Harris
- Lauren and TWYH
- the mystery of the fog; sunlight filtering through in beautiful rays
- gorgeous spring colors
- crisp spring day
- car washed
- up early and sat in coffee shop before school
- daughter's first time doing healing fast
- fabulous beet drink
- badminton
- the beauty of of the budding trees leading to this house almost bringing tears to my eyes
- pastoral beauty of the valley we live in
- sound of wind chimes
- Nia joy
- sleep, long night sleep after nights of insomnia
- greater clarity about abundance and not being the "doer" in my life
- greater clarity about how to release energy in body when someone "attacks" me, how to be neutral and why it is critical
- going to ballet with wasband and daughter
- fully allowing energies of anxiety/ overwhelm yesterday without story and without family feuding
- opportunity for abundance in my life
- understanding more how to be with my abundance dilemma
- embodying more awareness of how abundant I am
- inner freedom and peace
- upcoming adventure
Will be taking a little siesta time- blessings to all.
- wonderful times at coast
- harmony with daughter-
- healing huge ego charge
- choosing love in a difficult circumstance
- incredible abundance
- time with the beloved ocean
- listening to waves
- luxuriating in such lavishness
- the beauty of Elk
- Heather's hospitality
- wasband joining us for ballet
- such beauty of spring flowers
- cooperation and love
- eyes absorbing such beauty
- daughter riding
- coloring Easter eggs
-wonderful conversation with KARIN
- more centered again
- calmer
- support and reassurance
- more acceptance of necessary financial austerity
- cleaning kitchen
- happy easter
- sound of rain
- feeling of connection and support
- easter basket
- cappuccino!
- stronger feelings of oneness
- clarity about how this game is played
- the abundance of living in such beauty and silence
- -
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