Here is some great information about the power of tomorrow's eclipse. After tomorrow, we can embody MORE LOVE- let's go for it!!!
Have you got your seatbelt fastened? The first of the four big events that I’ve been writing about are upon us. This Sunday features the Solar eclipse at the zero degree of Gemini. Early June marks the Lunar and Venusian (thank you CdlH) eclipses in a one-two punch fashion, both in the middle of the sign of Gemini. There is a third lunation on June 19th; a New Moon at the very end of Gemini. Though not an eclipse, it is the third lunar event in Gemini, which is very significant.
Three lunations in a row in the same sign is known as a worm hole. You know those special effects in a movie where you’re traveling through time and space as if you were swirling through a tube of light? That’s a worm hole. It’s as if you are picked up in one landscape, pummeled through multi-dimensional reality, and land in completely new territory. The journey that is this wormhole starts on Sunday and by the time the third week in June is over, our consciousness will have completely transformed.
This is why I have been writing so much about the heart-centered transformation that is going on right now. This is also why I have offered my services at such a low fee for the first half of 2012 (FYI – this fee goes away after these events, so if you want some assistance in this journey, you have about four weeks to get it at such a reduced rate). I have done this so we will all be as prepared as we possibly can for the shift that is available during this four week transit. This is that moment – and it can pay off great dividends: The more consciously you have approached it, the greater the rewards will be.
An eclipse is the only astrological phenomenon where I put great emphasis on the actual moment that the event is occurring. Most transits are like waves in the ocean and we are the surfers; it doesn’t really matter where you catch it. If you want to ride the wave, you prepare yourself where you are and grab it when you’re ready. Your experience of where it can take you is based on where you are in your development and what you choose to do with the energy that comes, even if it is appreciating the beauty of the wave from the safety of the shoreline.
However, an eclipse is a very definite event. While the beam is broken and the shadow of the Moon passes over the Earth, an actual change is taking place right then. The interruption in the constant flow of light from the Sun to the Moon is a lot like powering down your computer. When you power back up again, all the software (read = all the new ways of being in the world, new thought patterns, new expressions of consciousness) that you have recently downloaded now become fully available for you to use.
Given the enormity of such a moment, it behooves us to be in a place of stillness when this is occurring in order to take full advantage of the opportunities at hand without the distractions of your chaotic mind being involved. The exact time of the eclipse is Sunday, May 20th at 4:46pm PDT. For my UK friends, you may be sleeping while the eclipse is happening. Not to worry, as sleep is a great state to receive the energies of an eclipse, so do your prep before bedtime. For those of you who are awake for this, simply be in a meditative, receptive state for about ten minutes before the peak of the eclipse and about ten minutes after.
This is a New Moon and as such it is a seed planting moment. The best way to prepare for this is to have a sense of what you desire to draw into your experience. If you have been following my posts, then you are likely to be well aware of the ways in which your Heart is calling you. This is definitely a moment to trust that the work you have been doing has been exactly right. Do not over-think this and do not second guess yourself. In fact, if nothing else, allow your preparation to be the mantra, “I am grounded and centered in my Heart. I am the perfect giver and receiver of Love.” Have faith that the cultivation has been done and allow the changes you have been busy making to now be made manifest in your consciousness.
If you need a review of the themes that are being expressed at this time, re-read the previous few articles on Venus and her retrograde cycle. The short version is that we are dropping more deeply into our Hearts than ever before. The possibility that is on the table is for healing duality and separation in unprecedented ways. The preparation has been to identify the ways in which you are still feeling split between living in the Heart and letting your Head dictate your experience. You have a few more days to do some exploration about how this phenomenon is holding you back.
Since Gemini rules words and communication, a little writing may be in order. Consider sitting down and writing yourself a love letter extolling the virtues of what it is like to be in a relationship with yourself. Take the opportunity to also let yourself know just how you could improve your own love life in the holiest of holy relationships, the one you have with the Divine. The more intimate you can be with yourself right now, that much more profoundly will intimacy begin to show up in your life. You ARE the beloved in which the Father/Mother God is very well pleased. Now start treating yourself like you actually believed that. The moment for profound Love has arrived. Have at it.
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